Cam 19 Listening test 4
Jul 06, 2024



Questions 1—6

Complete the form below

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Cam 19 Listening test 4 notes part 1

Questions 7—10

Complete the table below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Cam 19 Listening test 4 table


Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO problems with some training programmes for new runners does Liz mention?

A     There is a risk of serious injury.
B     They are unsuitable for certain age groups.
C     They are unsuitable for people with health issues.
D     It is difficult to stay motivated.
E     There is a lack of individual support.

Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO tips does Liz recommend for new runners?

A     doing two runs a week
B     running in the evening
C     going on runs with a friend
D     listening to music during runs
E     running very slowly

Questions 15-18

What reason prevented each of the following members of the Compton Park Runners Club from joining until recently?

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C.


A      a lack of confidence
B      a dislike of running
C      a lack of time 

Club members
15     Ceri
16     James
17     Leo
18     Mark

Questions 19 and 20

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

19 What does Liz say about running her first marathon?

A It had always been her ambition.
B Her husband persuaded her to do it.
C She nearly gave up before the end.

20 Liz says new runners should sign up for a race

A every six months.
B within a few weeks of taking up running.
C after completing several practice runs.


Questions 21-25

Choose the collection, A, B or C.

21 Kieian thinks the packing advice given by Jane’s grandfather is
A     common sense.
   hard to follow.

22 How does Jane feel about the books her grandfather has given her?
A     They are not worth keeping.
   They should go to a collector.
C     They have sentimental value for her.

23 Jane and Kieran agree that hardback books should be
   put out on display.
   given as gifts to visitors.
   more attractively designed.

24 While talking about taking a book from a shelf, Jane
   describes the mistakes other people make doing it.
B     reflects on a significant childhood experience.
   explains why some books are easier to remove than others.

25 What do Jane and Kieran suggest about new books?
   Their parents liked buying them as presents.
   They would like to buy more of them
C     Not everyone can afford them.

Questions 26-30

Where does Jane’s grandfather keep each of the following types of books in his shop?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G.

Location of books

A     near the entrance
B     in the attic
C     al the back of the shop
D     on a high shelf
E     near the stairs
F     in a specially designed space
G     within the café

Types of books

26     rare books           ……………………….
27     children’s books ……………………….
28     unwanted books ………………………
29     requested books ………………………
30     sourcebooks        ……………………….


Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Reforestation projects should:

• include a range of tree species

• not include invasive species because of possible 31 …………………….,………. with
native species

• aim to capture carbon, protect the environment and provide sustainable sources of 32 ……………………………… for local people

• use tree seeds with a high genetic diversity to increase resistance to 33 ……………………………… and climate change

• plant trees on previously forested land which is in a bad condition, not select land which is being used for 34 ………………………………

Large-scale reforestation projects

• Base planning decisions on information from accurate 35 ……………………………….

• Drones are useful for identifying areas in Brazil which are endangered by keeping 36 ……….,……………………. and illegal logging.

Lampang Province, Northern Thailand

• A forest was restored in an area damaged by mining.

• A variety of native fig trees were planted, which are important for
— supporting many wildlife species
— increasing the 37……………………………… of recovery by attracting animals and birds, e.g., 38 ……………………………… were soon attracted to the area.

Involving local communities

• Destruction of mangrove forests in Madagascar made it difficult for people to
make A living from 39 ………………………………
• The mangrove reforestation project:
— provided employment for local people
— restored a healthy ecosystem
— protects against the higher risk of 40 ………………………………

Cam 19 Listening Test 4 Answer

1    Kaeden
2    locker(s)
3    passport
4    uniform
5    third/ 3rd
6    0412665 903
7    yellow
8    plastic
9    ice
10  gloves


15     A
16     B
17     C
18     A
19     C
20     B

21     A
22     C
23     A
24     B
25     C
26     D
27     F
28     A
29     C
30     G

31    competition
32    food
33    disease
34    agriculture
35    maps
36    cattle
37    speed
38    monkeys
39    fishing
40    flooding

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